IRB Proposal Materials


IRB Application: Neural Signatures of Truth Detection Study

1. Project Overview

1.1 Purpose This study investigates the neural mechanisms underlying information processing during human-AI interactions, with particular focus on truth detection and cognitive load.

1.2 Specific Aims 1. Identify neural markers of information verification 2. Characterize cognitive load patterns 3. Develop predictive models of successful detection

2. Risk Assessment

2.1 Potential Risks - Minimal physical risks from EEG recording - Potential mild discomfort from extended sitting - Minimal psychological stress from decision-making tasks - Minimal risk of data breach

2.2 Risk Mitigation - Regular breaks during recording - Careful EEG cap fitting procedures - Clear participant instructions - Robust data security protocols

4. Data Protection

4.1 Privacy Measures - Coded participant identifiers- Secure data storage - Limited access protocols - Encryption standards

4.2 Data Management - Storage location: [Secure Server Details] - Access controls: [Protocol Details] - Retention period: 7 years - Destruction protocol: [Details]

5. Participant Selection

5.1 Inclusion Criteria - Ages 18-65 - Neurologically healthy - Native language speakers - Normal/corrected vision

5.2 Exclusion Criteria

  • Neurological conditions

  • Recent head injury

  • Psychoactive medications

  • Uncorrected vision problems

6. Research Protocol


7. Benefits Assessment

7.1 Direct Benefits - Participant compensation - Educational experience - Research participation experience

7.2 Societal Benefits - Advanced understanding of information processing - Improved AI interfaces - Enhanced digital literacy training

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