Codespaces documentation
Quickstart for Codespaces
The codespace lifecycle
Deep dive into Codespaces
Develop in a codespace
Create a codespace for a repo
Create a codespace from a template
Delete a codespace
Open an existing codespace
Work collaboratively
Source control
Pull requests
Stop a codespace
Forward ports
Rebuilding a container
Default environment variables
Persist variables and files
Connecting to a private network
Machine learning
Visual Studio Code
JetBrains IDEs
GitHub CLI
Rename a codespace
Change your shell
Change the machine type
Personalize your codespaces
Set the default editor
Set the default region
Set the timeout
Configure automatic deletion
Choose the host image
Introduction to dev containers
Setting up a Node.js project
Setting up a C# (.NET) project
Setting up a Java project
Setting up a PHP project
Setting up a Python project
Set a minimum machine spec
Adding features
Automatically opening files
Specifying recommended secrets
Facilitating codespace creation
Set up a template repo
About prebuilds
Configure prebuilds
Allow external repo access
Manage prebuilds
Test dev container changes
Codespaces secrets
Repository access
Security logs
GPG verification
Enable or disable Codespaces
Billing and ownership
List organization codespaces
Manage Codespaces costs
Manage secrets
Audit logs
Restrict machine types
Restrict codespace creation
Restrict base image
Restrict port visibility
Restrict timeout periods
Restrict the retention period
Access a private registry
Copilot in Codespaces
Plugin for JetBrains
VS Code Command Palette
Security in Codespaces
Disaster recovery
Codespaces logs
Codespaces clients
Included usage
Exporting changes
Creation and deletion
Authenticating to repositories
Codespaces prebuilds
Port forwarding
GPG verification
Working with support editor